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  • Writer's pictureMier Torregosa

Solo Hiking Guide to Mt. Hibok-Hibok (1200MASL) of Camiguin Island | Most Challenging Hike But With The Best Sunrise View of My Life

Updated: 2 days ago

Today, I decided not to wait for anybody else to start a new journey. Every mid-year, I always feel like I need to do something different for myself. I've always wanted to explore new places and embark on new adventures alone.

sunrise view

So, I decided to climb another mountain that I've been wanting to explore since the start of my mountaineering journey. I went to the beautiful island of Camiguin to immerse myself in the nature of Mt Hibok-Hibok. So this is my solo hiking guide in Mount Hibok-Hibok of Camiguin.

This year has been the busiest so far. It's also been the meanest. But somehow, it's also become the most active year of my life. From oceans to mountains, I've been exploring every month since the start of this year. I believe it's my coping mechanism for everything that's happened, but somehow, I've found the joy of being left behind. I found my own adventure!

Since I am currently living in Cebu, I had to travel via boat to Bohol and then another boat to Camiguin. It is the cheapest way to go to the island, but you may also choose a faster route via airplane. What I love about traveling via boat from Jagna Bohol to Camiguin is the chance to see a beautiful sunset while still sailing. You also get to have the perfect sight of the island and its towering volcanoes from afar.

Highly Recommended Gears:

  1. Lightweight Tent:

  2. Hiking Bag:

  3. Lightweight Camping Chair:

  4. Inflatable Camping Pillow:

Arriving at Camiguin, I rode a motorcycle to GV Hotel in Mambajao, where I spent the night before my hike started the following day. I made my preparations and tried my best to rest well for the coming adventure.

The following day came, and my hiking journey began!

I met with Kuya Gerry, who is my guide for this 2-day climb. From Mambajao, we traveled to CheckPoint where we had our late breakfast and bought the needed meals for the hike. We hopped on another tricycle ride to the jump-off point and started our trek.

photo at jump off point

Normal pacing would be around 5 hours, but for me, it took 6.5 hours. A bit slow, isn't it? But that's fine. I decided to start early because I knew I'd be a bit slow with the full load and lots of stops for videos. But regardless, this is the beauty of doing it solo. You control your own time and decisions as well as don't need to wait for others or catch up. So, I took much of my time enjoying every step of the way.

The most challenging part of this hike was the rain throughout the trek to the summit. The moment we stepped into the foothills of the forest, the rain started pouring. I had my raincoat with me, but I decided not to use it because I wanted to try being soaked in the rain while hiking. I always wanted to try crazy things and usually have the courage to do so whenever I'm alone or in a very small group of people. I always shy away when in a crowd already.

There were a lot of steep ascents on the trail and leeches as well, which made the journey even more challenging. On top of that, it became so cold in the evening that I had to put on layers of clothing and curl up inside my sleeping bag. Luckily, I brought a pack of coffee that helped my body warm up a bit.

Upon arriving at the campsite, which is only a few meters from the viewing deck, I was already hopeless to see some clearing due to the rain. But to my surprise, the sun showed itself for a few minutes. And what's even more magical is the sunrise the following day. I witnessed the best sunrise view of my life so far.

sunrise photo

I ended this journey with a huge smile on my face and memories inked into my soul that will forever be remembered. This adventure became a testament to me that we don't need anybody to start or continue what we are dreaming of.

That we alone can find reasons to smile and enjoy life.

summit with coffee

Here are some important details that you would want to take note:


800.00 - Ocean Jet from Cebu to Bohol

30.00 - Tricycle from Tagbilaran Port to Dao Terminal

120.00 - Bus from Dao Terminal to Jagna Public Market

766.00 - Boat from Jagna to Camiguin island

40.00 - Jagna Terminal Fee (10 at the entrance, 30 inside the terminal)

40.00 - Motorcycle from Camiguin Port to GV Hotel

700.00 - per night at GV Hotel

100.00 - Motorcycle from GV Hotel to CheckPoint

100.00 - Tricycle from CheckPoint to Jump Off

50.00 - Environmental Fee

500.00 - Hiking Permit

3000.00 - Guide Fee (overnight)

All prices are in Philippine Peso


  1. Boat tickets are best to be booked in advance online.

  2. Make sure to register to and have your QR code saved to avoid delays when arriving in Camiguin port

  3. Coordinate with your guide to get a permit prior to your climb.

  4. Best to be in a group if you want to save on fares, food and other fees

  5. Highly Recommended Guide: [Gerry Mendoza Cainglet]

Highly Recommended Gears:

  1. Lightweight Tent:

  2. Hiking Bag:

  3. Lightweight Camping Chair:

  4. Inflatable Camping Pillow:

hiking essentials photo

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About Me

Hi, I'm Mier and welcome to my page.


I am a computer engineer, entrepreneur and a digital nomad. For 7 years of working in the IT industry, I always wondered what is life outside my home-office-home routine everyday. Whether there are opportunities that will allow me to travel the world without letting my income suffer. 


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