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Hi! Welcome to my site!


My name is Mier. I'm a computer engineer, entrepreneur, and I embarked on my journey as a digital nomad in 2022.


This site covers three major aspects of my life: travel, work, and farming. It's challenging, yet amazing to see how I'm able to balance these three areas, which helps me shift my focus and relieve stress. I understand that nowadays, people and professionals are really struggling to achieve the work-life balance that is often preached by recruiters and companies. I myself had been wondering what that term really feels like until I decided to start living this lifestyle. Since then, I've never been happier and more fulfilled in my life.


Now, I hope that more and more people, especially young professionals, will be able to find their purpose in life while maintaining a balance in the present. I hope that through this, I can share my experiences and that you can find ideas to apply or use as a reference in your own lives.

I'm excited to explore the world of possibilities and unexpected challenges, which are filled with adventures and lessons. I look forward to meeting and learning about different cultures, not just in the Philippines but around the world. I'll share everything I learn on this journey, the things I do to maintain this lifestyle, and the reasons that motivated me to start and continue it.

sunset with nomad engr markings
Programmer on headset
Free Range Chicken Farm
Profile picture of the author

About Me

Hi, I'm Mier and welcome to my page.


I am a computer engineer, entrepreneur and a digital nomad. For 7 years of working in the IT industry, I always wondered what is life outside my home-office-home routine everyday. Whether there are opportunities that will allow me to travel the world without letting my income suffer. 


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